Sunday, September 5, 2021

Pieces of the Twin Towers - A memorial to keep


The 20th anniversary

Of a horrible day

Ingrained in my mind

It will never go away


That remaining steel

Would stand to defy

What happened that day

When two planes did fly


Many pieces of steel

Have been given away

To build memorials

Commemorating that day


A part of the Twin Towers

Memorials that will stay

In defiance of those trying

To destroy the U.S.A.


By, Randee Saber 9/5/2021

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate - Against Covid 19


To vaccinate or not

That is the question

Some people think

It is just a suggestion


Vaccines are required

To go to school

Or you can’t go

That is the rule


The Covid vaccine

I'm glad it came quick

Though I'm still aware

That I can get sick


It has given us freedom

From wearing a mask

Getting all to comply

Has become a hard task


Why such reluctance

To get a vaccine

Are they in doubt

Or just being mean

Did you get the vaccine

Is it okay to ask

If their answer is no

Will they wear a mask

Should we avoid people

Who are not vaccinated

A topic that's become

Highly debated

A booster shot

Is now being required

Because the protection

Will soon be expired



By, Randee Saber 9/5/2021