Tuesday, August 11, 2020

If I was a nurse

In appreciation of all the nurses who've treated me when I've been hospitalized. 

If I was a nurse 
Treating those who are ill 
I’d ease their pain 
And give more than a pill 

If I was a nurse 
I'd be very proud 
To care for the sick 
That’s what I vowed 

If I was a nurse 
I wouldn't be bored 
Too many patients 
Who can't be ignored 
If I was a nurse 
I'd be very gentle 
Having compassion 
And not be judgmental 

If I was a nurse 
I wouldn't mind 
When patients got well 
And left me behind 

 By, Randee Saber 2/8/07

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Seat belts save lives and mask up

Buckle up for safety

My generation heard

And honestly

I believed every word

Those opposing seat belts

Many would say

Too uncomfortable

Risking lives everyday


Seat belts with a harness

To keep you in place

So, into the windshield

Does not go your face


Installed in cars

Those airbags came

Keeping you safer

That was their aim


And child safety seats

A wonderful invention

To keep them safe

Should be no question

Due to Covid -19

We should all wear a mask

But some will get irate

Complying with this task 

A mask restricts breathing

In a restaurant or a store

Yet, if it's not worn

You can't go there anymore


Ladies, don’t make a fuss

On the news you’ll be seen

Calling you a ‘Karen”

A lady who is mean


By, Randee Saber  8/9/2020