Oreo sandwich cookies
You're now 100 years old
You haven't aged a bit
From when you first were sold
I ate you for so many years
And in my milk I'd dunk
If I dropped you in my glass
My milk would still get drunk
Sometimes I'd separate you
Your icing I'd eat first
And after eating many of you
Milk would quench my thirst
I haven't bought you for a while
Because I've gained some weight
But I miss my Oreo cookies
As a snack when I'm up late
We now have several choices
Double stuffed plus different icing
And wafers that are vanilla
Chocolate covered how enticing
Oreo sandwich cookies
I get hungry when I say your name
I think I'll buy a package
I know you'll still taste the same
By, Randee Saber 5/7/12