On December 17, 1903
A little home built plane
Invented by the Wright Brothers
It did more than entertain
In the state of North Carolina
This first airplane was flown
At a town called Kitty Hawk
It soon became well known
Back then they couldn't envision
We would have jumbo jets
With built in movie screens
We can even bring our pets
Twenty four years later
Was Charles Lindburgh's flight
The first to cross the Atlantic
His landing was an awesome sight
Along came Amelia Earhardt
Two oceans she had crossed
Until that fateful day
When Emilia's plane was lost
In the Air Force as a pilot
Chuck Yeager flew so fast
Breaking the sound barrier
This speed was unsurpassed
Airplanes carrying weapons
Far back as World War One
It was built for transportation
To fight wars it needed a gun
Airplanes that got hijacked
Waited on the ground
Those jets flown into buildings
Would become a burial mound
By, Randee Saber 1/4/2012