Friday, May 24, 2024

 Seedless watermelon

What a waste

Whenever I eat it

It has no taste


When it has seeds

It really has flavor

A cold sweet fruit

To really savor


Who authorized this

To grow without seeds

No spitting or swallowing

They thought no one needs


A choking hazard

Could this be the reason

No watermelon seeds

In the summer season


A watermelon salad

So easy to make

To give it more flaver

To your home I’ll take


By, Randee Saber 5/24/2024

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Wish you were still here


It seems quite unfair

That you’re already gone

Not seeing our Natan

Playing a song


Celine and Theodore

Who always make me smile

And Julia’s Bat Mitzvah

It was truly worthwhile


It’s so heartbreaking

That you’re not here

Enjoying your family

Who you’ll never be near


I think of you often

And it makes me sad

That grandkids can’t visit

Their great grandad


But it is what it is

That’s all I can say

Perhaps we’ll be reunited

In heaven one day


By, Randee Saber 3/12/2023

The 2nd anniversary of my dad’s death

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Freedom of Speech


Freedom of Speech

It can be very bad

When speaking of hatred

Just to make people mad


To say the Holocaust

Never occurred

Nor did a school shooting

Is truly absurd


Why are these people

Allowed to speak

And tell lies to those

Who are dumb and meek


Or to say they hate Jews

And slavery was a choice

Don’t broadcast this

With their crazy voice


Keep your thoughts to yourself

And watch what you say

Because you’ll get sued

And money you’ll pay


By, Randee Saber 10/30/2022

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Card carrying members


An ID card

Identifies you

A business card

Tells what you do


Insurance cards

Your claims get paid

Credit cards

Payments delayed


Debit cards

Get money quick

For Lotto tickets

Or a quick pick


A card that’s green

Allows you to stay

And get a job

In the U.S.A.


A driver’s license

Permits you to drive

A much awaited

Day to arrive


Election Day

Show your card

Cast your ballot

It’s not very hard


The Covid vaccine

A new card we’ve gotten

The dates are listed

It shouldn’t be forgotten


A deck of cards

To wage a bet

So carry your cards

And don’t forget


By, Randee Saber  1/25/07


Monday, May 30, 2022

Those magnificent men in their flying machines


It never ceases to amaze me

To see planes in the air

I don’t take it for grated

Though often some don’t care


A truly remarkable machine

Flying through the sky

To get you very quickly

The pilots always try


I often stare in awe

When seeing these big planes

Flying over my home

More remarkable than trains


This jet age that we live in

How lucky that we are

To get to places quickly

Unlike a bus, train or car


By, Randee Saber 5/31/2022

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Men are causing all this trouble


Men are responsible

For causing all this trouble

For blowing up the cities

And leaving them in rubble


Was this a game you played

When you were a boy

Building beautiful cities

Then destroying with a toy


Men build the planes

Ships, tanks, and guns

Plus, the ammunition

Which they made tons


Men build the places

Where people reside

Now they’re destroyed

So, the people must hide


Women and children

Are told they must flee

While the men must fight

For the sake of their country


Of course, the dictators

Are the ones to blame

Wanting more countries

It’s part of their game


If women ran the world

They would easily deter

Just sending nasty emails

No fighting would occur


Let the women run the world

And take the place of men

No wars would ever happen

We’d live peacefully again


By, Randee Saber 3/8/2022

In honor in International Women's Day

March 8th every year

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Let democracy prevail


Not all want to go

But told they must fight

To invade Ukraine

Knowing it’s not right


Conscripted in service

They have no choice

To do what is wrong

Russians have no voice


Women and children

In Ukraine must flee

While most of the men

Fight for their country


Other nations won’t help

To fight this war

When nuclear weapons

Are a threat for sure


Communist dictators

Plus, the Taliban too

Let democracy prevail

The people don't need you


By, Randee Saber 3/6/2022